Muscle Mass

MUSCLE MEMORY The phrase “Use it or lose it” has never been more true than when it comes to muscle mass.  Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass that is commonly seen in older people, and it begins at age 30.  Muscle mass is a must – loss of muscle mass matters because: -It lessens bone and joint…

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The most frequent request I receive is to describe the difference between Keto and Paleo.  There are dozens of books on the subject but I will try to keep it in a nutshell.  Keto is more carbohydrate restrictive than Paleo, with the daily carb consumption kept below 50 grams. The sweet spot for Paleo is…

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4 Years Later!

It’s hard to believe 4 years have passed since the launch of my website. I continue to use Paleo as my base lifestyle, but I’ve added some properties of the Keto “diet” and that mainly means an addition of dairy. I try to find products made from grass fed cow milk as much as possible.…

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Sugar is Addictive

There are arguments on both sides of the spectrum on this subject, but the facts prove that when sugar (and processed grains which are recognized as sugar by the body) is consumed, a release of dopamine is released into the bloodstream. This causes a feeling of reward and pleasure. The same hormone is released when alcohol, nicotine, cocaine…

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Childhood Obesity

Obesity is the most common chronic disease in children. This is tragic because it’s entirely preventable, since we’re responsible for what goes into our children’s mouths. Sadly, the largest increase is in children aged 2-5, and the number of obese children has tripled since 1980. More and more children are being diagnosed with adult diseases like hypertension,…

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